PV Trainings اPV Audits

Quality and Compliance are highest priorities for us while handling drug safety and other activities.

PharmaVigil offers specialist expert support and consultancy in matters relating to all types of Good Pharmacovigilance Practice (GVP) Quality Assurance auditing and risk-based audit program development (e.g. Affiliate / Local Operating Company, PV Systems, Marketing Partners, and Service Providers/Vendors).

We also support our clients for Inspection readiness & business partner external audits.

Our Services

Pharmacovigilance system

System establishment, PV-QMS & procedural development activities

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ICSR Management

Safety data collection, evaluation, understanding and prevention of ADRs/AEs

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Aggregate Reports

Development & submission of periodic safety writing reports

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Medical Literature Surveillance

Global/Local Literature searching followed by classification

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Medical Information System

Queries (Call/Email) Receipt & Resolution Management

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Safety Database

PharmaVigil is equipped with fully supported and regulatory compliant safety database solutions.

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PV Trainings

Quality and Compliance are highest priorities for us while handling drug safety and other activities.

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Pharmacovigilance System Master File

Development & submission of PSMF/PSSF, PvMF & PSMF summary as part of module 1.8.2

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Risk Management

RMP/REMS Risk identification followed by development of plan

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